#! /usr/bin/perl -wT # Copyright Notice and Disclaimer for PCR Suite # # Copyright (c) 2003 Erasmus MC Rotterdam. All rights reserved. # # The PCR Suite is based on the Primer3 program of the Whitehead Institute (Copyright notice and Disclaimer: see below). The Primer3 core program is identical to the original software distributed by the Whitehead Institute. The HTML forms used in PCR Suite are based on the Whitehead's Primer3 HTML form, but are not identical. The PCR Suite CGI script is new and property of the Erasmus MC. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of the PCR Suite CGI script, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Redistributions of source code must also reproduce this information in the source code itself. # 2. If the program is modified, redistributions must include a notice (in the same places as above) indicating that the redistributed program is not identical to the version distributed by Whitehead Institute. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: # This product includes software developed by the Erasmus Medical Centre. # 4. The name of the Erasmus MC may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # The code of the script is available at http://pcrsuite.soe.ucsc.edu/source.txt # # THE PCR SUITE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED BY THE ERASMUS MC ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ERASMUS MC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Copyright Notice and Disclaimer for Primer3 # Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Redistributions of source code must also reproduce this information in the source code itself. # 2. If the program is modified, redistributions must include a notice (in the same places as above) indicating that the redistributed program is not identical to the version distributed by Whitehead Institute. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: # This product includes software developed by the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. # 4. The name of the Whitehead Institute may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # We also request that use of this software be cited in publications as # Steve Rozen and Helen J. Skaletsky (2000) Primer3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers. In: Krawetz S, Misener S (eds) Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp 365-386 # (Code available at http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/genome_software/other/primer3.html.) THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # use strict; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Pretty qw(-unique_headers); $| = 1; our @allout = (); #array for output, will be filled by subroutines my $params_general = ""; my @results = ""; # Main program # tests from which form the input comes: genomic, overlap, cDNAs, SNPs # formats the input from the forms and calls the corresponding # subroutines # Also creates the HTML output page my $q = new CGI; my $ident = $q-> param("INFROM") || error ($q, "It seems you are not using the proper input form"); create_html($q); # create shared parameters list if ($q ->param('Pick Primers')){ $params_general = shared_parameters($q); } else { error ($q, "Did not see the 'Pick Primers' query parameter") } # get the user id and add it to a list my$userAddr=$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; my$file="/tmp/stats.txt"; #my$file="/usr/local/apache/share/eur/htdocs/fgg/kgen/primer/stats.txt"; open (STATS, ">>$file"); print STATS scalar localtime; print STATS "\t$userAddr\t$ident\n"; close STATS; # extract specific info and run program for each instance of INPUT if ($ident eq "genomic"){ # get specific parameters from form my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE= $q-> param("PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE") ||"250-450"; my$FLANKING_SIZE = $q-> param("FLANKING_SIZE") || "40"; if($FLANKING_SIZE > 100){ error( $q, "Flanking size must be less than 100."); } my $gene = $q -> param("gene") || error( $q, "which gene?"); # get data from GenBank file with a separate subroutine my $filedata = get_filedata($q); # correct for capitalization (my$geneMatch) = $filedata =~ /gene=\"($gene)\"/i; error( $q, "Gene $gene is not in input file.") unless $geneMatch; $gene = $geneMatch; push (@allout, "primers for $gene<\/b>"); # get the exon sequences with a subroutine my@exons = select_exons($filedata, $gene, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE); # send the input to the genomic_primers subroutine, which will # do more formatting and runs primer3 @allout = find_genomic_primers($params_general, $FLANKING_SIZE, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, @exons); } elsif ($ident eq "SNP"){ # get specific parameters from form my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE= $q-> param("PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE") ||"250-450"; my $filedata = get_filedata($q); unless ($filedata =~ /variation/){ error( $q, "No SNPs in input file."); } # get the SNPs and their flanking sequence my@snps = select_range($filedata, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE); # send the input to the snp_primers subroutine, which will # do more formatting and runs primer3 @allout = find_snp_primers($params_general, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, @snps); } elsif ($ident eq "overlap"){ # get specific parameters from form my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE= $q-> param("PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE") ||"250-450"; my$OVERLAP_SIZE_RANGE = $q-> param("OVERLAP_SIZE_RANGE")|| "30-90"; my$TARGET = $q-> param("TARGET") || error($q, "Please fill in Target"); # remove heading, numbers and spaces from the inputsequence my$seq = clean_sequence($q); # send the input to the overlap_primers subroutine, which will # do more formatting and runs primer3 @allout = find_overlap_primers($params_general, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, $OVERLAP_SIZE_RANGE, $TARGET, $seq); } elsif ($ident eq "cDNA"){ # get specific parameters from form my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE= $q-> param("PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE") ||"250-800"; #check format! my $filedata = get_filedata($q); # separate the cDNAs my @filedata = split /\/\/\n/, $filedata; pop @filedata; my $locus; my $file; foreach $file(@filedata){ print $q->p(" "); $file =~ s/\s*LOCUS/LOCUS/; $file .= "\/\/\n"; # get sequence, name, and the ORF position for each cDNA my($dna, $gene, $from, $to) = get_cDNA_ID_and_sequence($file); push (@allout, "
","primers for $gene<\/b>"); # send the input to the cDNA_primers subroutine, which will # do more formatting and runs primer3 my@prims = find_cDNA_primers($params_general, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, $from, $to, $dna); @allout = @prims; } } else {error ($q, "It seems you are not using the proper input form")}; print ''; foreach (@allout){ print $q->p($_); } print ''; print "
"; print $q->end_html; exit; ##################### subroutines ########################## ############################################################ # # # subroutines for HTML formatting # # # ############################################################ sub create_html{ # creates the start of the HTML output my ($q) = @_; print $q-> header( "text/html" ); print $q-> start_html (-title => "your primers", -bgcolor => "#ffcc66"); print $q->h2("Your Primers"); print $q->hr; print $q->p("If you want to design other primers use the"); print $q->a({-href => "//www-genome.wi.mit.edu/cgi-bin/primer/primer3_www.cgi"}, "Primer3 input form"); print $q->p("Note: these primers may contain repeats."); print $q->p("wait while the program is running..."); } sub error { # used by main program, clean_sequence and get_filedata # creates HTML output for error messages my( $q, $reason ) = @_; print $q->header( "text/html" ), $q->start_html( "Error" ), $q->h1( "Error" ), $q->p( "Your upload was not processed because the following error", "occured: "), $q->p( $q->i( $reason )), $q->end_html; exit; } sub format_sequence{ # format sequence takes in the primer3 output, a line length, # a color for the primer and a color for the product, # and a trim flag (A means do not trim) # it outputs lines of the required length with HTML tags # for font coloring # when asked, the sequence is trimmed. # To run the subroutine on a cDNA (in genomic_primers) # the results hash should be empty, and the sequence should # be given as the last argument my($src, $results, $linesize, $primerColor, $productColor, $trim, $dna) = @_; # Create a list of action items for inserting linebreaks and coloring my%action = (); my$seq = $dna || $$results{'SEQUENCE'}; if($results){ # lowercase inputsequence $seq = lc($seq); my$target = $$results{'TARGET'}; my($start_left, $length_left) = split (/\,/, $$results{'PRIMER_LEFT'}); my($end_right, $length_right) = split (/\,/, $$results{'PRIMER_RIGHT'}); $end_right++; my($from, $size) = split /,/, $target; my$to = $size+$from -1; my$start_right = $end_right - $length_right; if($src eq "genomic" || $src eq "cdna"){ # uppercase target substr($seq, $from-1) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; substr($seq, $to) =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; # uppercase primers substr($seq, $start_left, $length_left) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; substr($seq, $end_right-$length_right, $length_right) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; }elsif($src eq "snp"){ # uppercase primers substr($seq, $start_left, $length_left) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; substr($seq, $end_right-$length_right, $length_right) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; # uppercase all SNPs $seq =~ tr/swmkry/SWMKRY/; }elsif($src eq "overlap"){ # uppercase product including primers substr($seq, $start_left, $$results{'PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE'}) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; } # left primer if (exists($action{$start_left})){ $action{$start_left} .= ""; }else{ $action{$start_left} = ""; } my$end_left = $start_left + $length_left; if (exists($action{$end_left})){ $action{$end_left} .= ""; }else{ $action{$end_left} = ""; } # product my($pstart, $pend); if($src eq "genomic" || $src eq "cdna"){ $pstart = $from -1; $pend = $pstart + $size; }elsif($src eq "overlap"){ $pstart = $end_left; $pend = $start_right; }elsif($src eq "snp"){ # placeholder $pstart = "0"; $pend = "1"; } if (exists($action{$pstart})){ $action{$pstart} .= ""; }else{ $action{$pstart} = ""; } if (exists($action{$pend})){ $action{$pend} .= ""; }else{ $action{$pend} = ""; } # right primer if (exists($action{$start_right})){ $action{$start_right} .= ""; }else{ $action{$start_right} = ""; } if (exists($action{$end_right})){ $action{$end_right} .= ""; }else{ $action{$end_right} = ""; } # The trimsize is the number of bases allowed as flanking # next to the primers. There may not be enough sequence. # 'A' means do not trim unless($trim eq 'A'){ my$removeEnd = $end_right +$trim; unless($removeEnd > length($seq)){ substr($seq, $removeEnd, (length($seq) - $removeEnd), ""); } my$remove = $start_left - $trim; if($remove <0 ){ $remove="0"; } if($remove){ substr($seq, 0, $remove, ""); my%newaction = (); foreach my$key(keys %action){ my$newkey = $key - $remove; $newaction{$newkey} = $action{$key}; } %action = %newaction; } } }else{ # color the uppercase part while ($seq =~ m/[acgt][ACTG]/g){ $action{pos($seq)-1} =""; } while ($seq =~ m/[ACTG][actg]/g){ $action{pos($seq)-1} =""; } } # from here on the routine is also done for regular cDNA # add linebreaks for (my$i=$linesize; $i<= length($seq); $i+=$linesize){ if(exists ($action{$i})){ $action{$i} .= '
'; }else{ $action{$i} = '
'; } } # create output sequence with correct tags my$formatSeq=""; my$pos = "0"; foreach my$key(sort numerically (keys %action)){ $formatSeq .= substr($seq, $pos, ($key-$pos)); $formatSeq .= "$action{$key}"; $pos=$key; } $formatSeq .= substr($seq, $pos, (length($seq)-$pos)); return $formatSeq; } sub format_covered_cdna{ # used by find_overlap_primers # takes in a list of matched regions, the original (complete) target, # and the input sequence. # The input sequence is lowercased outside the target # and the matched regions are colored blue my$seq = pop @_; my$target = pop @_; my$linesize = pop @_; my@matched = @_; $seq = lc($seq); # uppercase all matches foreach my$match (@matched){ # $seq = uc($seq); $seq =~ s/$match/\U$match/i; } my %action = (); # now find the boundaries while ($seq =~ m/[acgt][ACTG]/g){ $action{pos($seq)-1} =""; } while ($seq =~ m/[ACTG][actg]/g){ $action{pos($seq)-1} =""; } # add linebreaks for (my$i=$linesize; $i<= length($seq); $i+=$linesize){ if(exists ($action{$i})){ $action{$i} .= '
'; }else{ $action{$i} = '
'; } } # now convert sequence back to lowercase, and # uppercase target $seq = lc($seq); my($from, $size) = split /,/, $target; my$to = $size+$from -1; substr($seq, $from-1) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; substr($seq, $to) =~ tr/ACTG/actg/; # create output sequence with correct tags my$formatSeq=""; my$pos = "0"; foreach my$key(sort numerically (keys %action)){ $formatSeq .= substr($seq, $pos, ($key-$pos)); $formatSeq .= "$action{$key}"; $pos=$key; } $formatSeq .= substr($seq, $pos, (length($seq)-$pos)); return $formatSeq; } sub numerically {$a <=> $b} ############################################################ # # # subroutines used by all interfaces # # # ############################################################ sub shared_parameters{ # used by the main program # takes in the form data and creates a partial Primer3 input list # each interface adds its own additional parameters before # running Primer3 my($q)= @_; my$PRIMER_OPT_SIZE= $q-> param("PRIMER_OPT_SIZE") ||"20"; my$PRIMER_MIN_SIZE= $q-> param("PRIMER_MIN_SIZE") ||"18"; my$PRIMER_MAX_SIZE= $q-> param("PRIMER_MAX_SIZE") ||"23"; my$PRIMER_OPT_TM= $q-> param("PRIMER_OPT_TM") ||"60"; my$PRIMER_MIN_TM= $q-> param("PRIMER_MIN_TM") ||"55"; my$PRIMER_MAX_TM= $q-> param("PRIMER_MAX_TM") ||"65"; my$PRIMER_MAX_DIFF_TM= $q-> param("PRIMER_MAX_DIFF_TM") || "5"; my$PRIMER_SELF_ANY= $q-> param("PRIMER_SELF_ANY") ||"6.00"; my$PRIMER_SELF_END= $q-> param("PRIMER_SELF_END") ||"3.00"; my$PRIMER_MAX_POLY_X= $q-> param("PRIMER_MAX_POLY_X") ||"4"; my$PRIMER_MAX_END_STABILITY= "9"; my$PRIMER_MIN_GC= $q-> param("PRIMER_MIN_GC") ||"30"; my$PRIMER_GC_CLAMP= $q-> param("PRIMER_GC_CLAMP") || "0"; my$PRIMER_MAX_GC= $q-> param("PRIMER_MAX_GC") ||"70"; my$parameters = < "/var/www/cgi-bin-pcrsuite/output"; # use constant UPLOAD_DIR => "/usr/local/apache/share/eur/htdocs/fgg/kgen/primer/output/"; use constant BUFFER_SIZE =>16_384; use constant MAX_FILE_SIZE => 5 * 1_048_576; use constant MAX_DIR_SIZE => 10 * 1_048_576; use constant MAX_OPEN_TRIES =>100; $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0; $CGI::POST_MAX = MAX_FILE_SIZE; $q->cgi_error and error( $q, "Error transferring file: ". $q->cgi_error ); my $file = $q->param( "file" ) || error( $q, "No file received." ); my $fh = $q->upload( "file" ) || error( $q, "upload failed: $file."); my $buffer = ""; my $filedata=""; if ( dir_size( UPLOAD_DIR ) + $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} > MAX_DIR_SIZE ) { error( $q, "Upload directory is full." ); } # read in contents of file while ( read($fh, $buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ) ) { $filedata="$filedata$buffer"; } # some error checking unless ($filedata =~ /ORIGIN/){ error( $q, "There does not seem to be any sequence in the file") } $filedata =~ s/\r//g; return $filedata; } sub dir_size { # used by sub get_filedata to list dir size my $dir = shift; my $dir_size = 0; # loop through files and sum the sizes; doesn't descend down subdirs opendir DIR, $dir or die "Unable to open $dir: $!"; while ( readdir DIR ) { $dir_size += -s "$dir/$_"; } return $dir_size; } # the 4 subroutines below (get_annotation_and_dna, parse_annotation # parse_features and revcom) are from BeginPerlBioinfo.pm, # the library of subroutines that belongs to Beginning Perl for # Bioinformatics written by James Tisdall and published by # O'Reilly & Associates # (c) 2001 James Tisdall # get_annotation_and_dna # # - given filehandle to open GenBank library file, get next record sub get_annotation_and_dna { my($record) = @_; my($annotation) = ''; my($dna) = ''; my($addit) = ''; # Now separate the annotation from the sequence data ($annotation, $dna, $addit) = ($record =~ /^(LOCUS.*ORIGIN\s*\n)(.*)\/\/\n(.*)/s); # clean the sequence of any whitespace or / characters # (the / has to be written \/ in the character class, because # / is a metacharacter, so it must be "escaped" with \) $dna =~ s/[\s\/\d]//g; # temporary solution: genomic GenBank records do not contain any DNA anymore # assume the user added a FASTA record to the GenBank file unless($dna){ $dna = $addit; $dna =~ s/\>(.*?)\n//; $dna =~ s/[\s\/\d]//g; } unless($dna){ error ($q, "Inputfile does not seem to contain any sequence") } return($annotation, $dna) } # parse_annotation # # given a GenBank annotation, returns a hash with # keys: the field names # values: the fields sub parse_annotation { my($annotation) = @_; my(%results) = ( ); while( $annotation =~ /^[A-Z].*\n(^\s.*\n)*/gm ) { my $value = $&; (my $key = $value) =~ s/^([A-Z]+).*/$1/s; $results{$key} = $value; } return %results; } # parse_features # # extract the features from the FEATURES field of a GenBank record sub parse_features { my($features) = @_; # entire FEATURES field in a scalar variable # Declare and initialize variables my(@features) = (); # used to store the individual features # Extract the features while( $features =~ /^ {5}\S.*\n(^ {21}\S.*\n)*/gm ) { my $feature = $&; push(@features, $feature); } return @features; } # revcom # # A subroutine to compute the reverse complement of DNA sequence sub revcom { my($dna) = @_; # First reverse the sequence my$revcom = reverse$dna; # Next, complement the sequence, dealing with upper and lower case # A->T, T->A, C->G, G->C $revcom =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; return $revcom; } sub run_primer3{ # used by all interfaces # run_primer subroutine: copied from original # primer3_www_results.cgi owned by the Whitehead Institute my($params_general) = shift @_; my($parameters_specific) = shift @_; my$PRIMER_BIN = '/var/www/cgi-bin-pcrsuite/primer3_core'; # my$PRIMER_BIN = '/srv/mblab/bin/pcr_pipeline/bin/primer3_core'; my $cline; my $cmd = "$PRIMER_BIN"; my $primer3_pid; my @primers; my%results = (); # keep taint-mode happy delete $ENV{PATH}; delete $ENV{BASH_ENV}; use IPC::Open3; use FileHandle; my$parameters = $parameters_specific.$params_general; my($childin, $childout) = (FileHandle->new, FileHandle->new); { local $^W = 0; $primer3_pid = open3($childin, $childout, $childout, $cmd); } if (!$primer3_pid) { print "Cannot excecute $cmd:
$!"; print "wrapup\n"; exit; } print $childin $parameters; $childin->close; @primers = $childout->getlines; waitpid $primer3_pid, 0; foreach my$entry(@primers){ my($name, $value)= split(/=/, $entry); chomp$value; $results{$name}=$value; } return %results; } sub print_primers{ # subroutine formats Primer3 output # and extracts primers, primer sizes, gc content # and melting temperature my(%results)= @_; (my$left_size = $results{PRIMER_LEFT}) =~ s/\d+\,//; (my$right_size = $results{PRIMER_RIGHT}) =~ s/\d+\,//; (my$left_seq = $results{PRIMER_LEFT_SEQUENCE}) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; (my$right_seq = $results{PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE}) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; my$left_repeat = find_repeat_in_primer($left_seq); my$right_repeat = find_repeat_in_primer($right_seq); my$left_warning = ""; my$right_warning = ""; if ($left_repeat){ $left_warning = 'It looks like this primer contains a '."$left_repeat".' repeat!
'; } if ($right_repeat){ $right_warning = 'It looks like this primer contains a '."$right_repeat".' repeat!
'; } my($info) = < SIZE = $left_size
TM = $results{PRIMER_LEFT_TM}
RIGHT = $right_seq
SIZE = $right_size
TM = $results{PRIMER_RIGHT_TM}
STOP ; return $info; } sub find_repeat_in_primer{ # find_repeat_in_primer is called from print_primers # It creates 6nt subsets of the inputstring # and checks them for perfect repeats using # find_repeat my($seq) = @_; for(my$i=0; $i < (length($seq) - 6); $i++){ my$out = find_repeat(substr($seq, $i, 6)); # two copies of a sequence don't make a repeat if( $out ){ unless($seq =~ /($out){3}/){ $out=""; } } # one repeat is enough if($out){ return $out; } } } sub find_repeat{ # find_repeat called from find_repeat_in_primer # looks in subsets for perfect repeats my($string) = @_; my$count=length$string; my@ray=split('', $string); my$pos="-1"; my$pos_string="-1"; for(my$i=0; $i<$count; $i++){ next if($i==0); my$nt=$ray[$i]; my$flag; for(my$k=$pos+1; $k>-1; $k--){ if($nt eq $ray[$k]){ $pos=$k; $flag="1"; last; } } unless($flag){ $pos="-1"; } $pos_string.=$pos; } # to get the unit of repeat, take the last $pos and remove that much from the string # if it is a true repeat $pos++; my$replength=$count-$pos; if( ($count ne $replength) && (($count-$replength) % $replength) =="0"){ my$repunit=substr($string, 0, $replength); return $repunit; } } ############################################################ # # # subroutines used for genomic primers # # # ############################################################ sub find_genomic_primers{ # called by main program # create primers around each exon of a gene # generate primer3 input parsed data: # run primer3 with current parameters my($params_general) = shift @_; my($FLANKING_SIZE)=shift @_; my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift @_; my(@exons) = @_; my$nr = "0"; my$exon = ""; my$exonsize; my($max) = $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE =~ /-(\d+)/; # create cDNA from @exons my$cDNA = join ("", @exons); $cDNA =~ s/[actgn]//g; $cDNA = format_sequence("0", "0", "60", "0", "0", "0", $cDNA); # create primers for each exon # generate primer3 input parsed data: # run primer3 with current parameters foreach $exon(@exons){ $nr++; $exonsize = length($exon) - 2*$max; push (@allout, "exon nr $nr"); if ($exonsize >$max){ push (@allout, "exon $nr is too big; no primers designed (exon in blue)"); $exon = format_sequence("0", "0", "60", "0", "0", "0", $exon); push (@allout, "$exon"); next; } my$from = $max+1- $FLANKING_SIZE; my$size = $exonsize+ 2* $FLANKING_SIZE; my$parameters_specific = <",'and the cDNA is:', "$cDNA"); return @allout; } sub select_exons{ # used by main program, genomic primers loop # runs subroutines to extract exons # from GenBank file my$gbseq = shift @_; my$gene = shift@_; my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE = shift@_; my$annotation; my$end_right; my$exon; my$exonnr; my$dna; my$length_left; my$length_right; my$start_left; my$start_right; my@exons = (); my@features = (); my@fields = (); my@primerseqs = (); my@upcase = (); my%fields = (); push (@allout, 'Go to cDNA'); # get the exon positions from the genbankfile ($annotation, $dna) = get_annotation_and_dna($gbseq); %fields = parse_annotation($annotation); @features = parse_features($fields{FEATURES}); @exons = find_exons($gene, @features); # the last entry is the orientation my$orientation = pop@exons; push (@allout, "The orientation of the gene was $orientation"); # the second last entry of @exons is a warning my$warning = pop@exons; push (@allout, "$warning"); # select the exon sequences and flanking sequence # (exons in uppercase) @upcase = select_exons_and_flanking($dna, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, $orientation, @exons); return (@upcase); } sub find_exons{ # used by sub select_exons # find_exons: subroutine to select the begin and end location of # each exon of each mRNA given for a gene. # input is a gene name as it occurs in the GenBank file and an array # containing the features table of a genbank file as created by # the parse_features subroutine # output is an array with numbers separated by two periods # this subroutine uses the extract_numbers subroutine my($gene) = shift(@_); my(@gbfeatures) = @_; my @allnumbers = (); my $flag = ""; my $outsize= ""; my $orientation = "normal"; foreach my $feature(@gbfeatures){ my($featurename) = ($feature =~ /(\S+)/); if ($flag && $featurename eq "mRNA" && $feature =~ /$gene/){ if ($feature =~ /\(/){ $outsize = "Warning! The sequence does not contain the end of the gene, skipped the last exon(s)"; } if($feature =~ /complement/){ $orientation = "reverse"; } my@numbers = extract_numbers ($feature); @allnumbers = (@allnumbers, @numbers); }elsif ($featurename =~ /gene/){ # genename sometimes flanked by quotes my($genename) = ($feature =~ /\/gene=\"{0,1}(.*)\"{0,1}/); $genename=~ s/\"//; if ($genename eq $gene){ $flag = 1; } } } push (@allnumbers, $outsize, $orientation); return @allnumbers; } sub extract_numbers{ # used by sub find_exons # gets exon start and end from GenBank feature my($feature) = @_; $feature =~ s/\s//g; my($numbers) = ($feature =~ /join\((.*?)\)/); my@numbers = split(",", $numbers); return @numbers; } sub select_exons_and_flanking{ # used by sub select_exons # finds exons in genomic sequence, # selects the exon with 200 bp flanking on each side # and puts exon sequence in uppercase my($dna) = shift(@_); my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift@_; my($orientation) = shift@_; my(@exons) = @_; my @exon_plus_flanking = (); my ($max) = $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE =~ /-(\d+)/; foreach my$numberset(@exons){ my($begin, $end) = split (/\.\./, $numberset); my$length = $end - $begin +1; my$exon = substr($dna, $begin-1-$max, $length+2*$max); $exon =~ tr/ACTG/actg/; if(length $exon < ($max + $length)){ error($q, "It looks like you did not use enough flanking sequence. There should be at least $max nt before the first and after the last exon"); } substr($exon, $max, $length) =~ tr/actg/ACTG/; push(@exon_plus_flanking, $exon); } if($orientation eq "reverse"){ my@rev = (); my$exn; while(@exon_plus_flanking){ $exn = pop@exon_plus_flanking; $exn = revcom($exn); push (@rev, $exn); } @exon_plus_flanking = @rev; } return @exon_plus_flanking; } ############################################################ # # # subroutines used for SNP primers # # # ############################################################ sub find_snp_primers{ # called by main program # create primers for each SNP # generate primer3 input parsed data: # run primer3 with current parameters my($params_general) = shift @_; my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift @_; my(@snps) = @_; my$sz = scalar@snps; my$i = "0"; my ($max) = $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE =~ /-(\d+)/; $max -= 5; my$excl; while ($i<$sz){ my ($seq, $id, $letter, $location) = ($snps[$i], $snps[$i+1],$snps[$i+2],$snps[$i+3]); $i += 4; # the crack_code subroutine translates Y into C/T etc my$letters = crack_code($letter); push (@allout, "$id = $letters ($letter)<\/b>", "position in sequence: $location"); # Primer3 does not recognise S, W, R etc... # but don't want primer in SNP, so exclude these regions for primers my$nr_of_snps = scalar(my@nr = $seq =~ /[SWMKRY]/g); my@pos_SNP = (); while($seq =~ m/[SWMKRY]/g){ push(@pos_SNP, pos($seq)); } if (scalar@pos_SNP>1){ $excl = join (",1 ", @pos_SNP); $excl .= ",1"; } # Input must be ACG or T, but will be masked in Primer3 (my$dna = $seq) =~ s/[WRCMKS]/T/g; my$parameters_specific = <no primers found"); $seq = format_sequence("0", "0", "60", "0", "0", "0", $seq); $seq =~ s/([KMYRSW])/$1<\/font>/g; push (@allout, "$seq", " "); next; } # send the primer info to the print subroutine my$onfo = print_primers(%results); push (@allout,$onfo, " "); # format the output sequence with the primers $seq = format_sequence("snp", \%results, 60, "blue", "black", "A", $seq); # color the SNP $seq =~ s/([KMYRSW])/$1<\/font>/g; push (@allout, $seq, " "); } return @allout; } sub select_range{ # subroutine used by main program to select SNPs and their # flanking sequence. my$gbseq = shift @_; my$PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE = shift@_; my$end_right; my$exon; my$exonnr; my$length_left; my$length_right; my$start_left; my$start_right; my@fields = (); my@primerseqs = (); # get the SNP information from the genbankfile my($annotation, $dna) = get_annotation_and_dna($gbseq); my%fields = parse_annotation($annotation); my@features = parse_features($fields{FEATURES}); # the find_variation subroutine selects only SNPs that # are not marked 'ambiguous' my(@snps) = find_variation(@features); # use the SNP information to get the sequence my@snpseq = select_SNPs_and_flanking($dna, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE, @snps); return (@snpseq); } sub select_SNPs_and_flanking{ # subroutine used by sub select_range to # get every SNP and flanking sequence my($dna) = shift(@_); my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift@_; my(@snps) = @_; my @snp_plus_flanking = (); my ($max) = $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE =~ /-(\d+)/; my $sz = scalar@snps; my $i = "0"; # every 1st, 5th, 10th, etc entry of the list is a # SNP position while($i<$sz){ my$number = $snps[$i]; (my$al1 = $snps[$i+1]) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; (my$al2 = $snps[$i+2]) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; my$id = $snps[$i+3]; # find_code turns C/T into Y etc my$code = find_code($al1, $al2); substr($dna, $number-1, 1, "$code"); my$startpoint = $number-1-$max; if($startpoint <0){ $startpoint ="0"; } my$snp = substr($dna, $startpoint, 2*$max); push(@snp_plus_flanking, $snp, $id, $code, $number-1); $i+=4; } return @snp_plus_flanking; } sub find_code{ # used by sub select_SNPs_and_flanking # find_code is the reverse of crack_code: # it inserts a single letter for every SNP: # A/G becomes R etc. my$al1 = shift @_; my$al2 = shift @_; my$letter; if (($al1 eq "C" && $al2 eq "G")||($al1 eq "G" && $al2 eq "C")){ $letter = "S"; } elsif (($al1 eq "A" && $al2 eq "T")||($al1 eq "T" && $al2 eq "A")){ $letter = "W"; } elsif (($al1 eq "C" && $al2 eq "T")||($al1 eq "T" && $al2 eq "C")){ $letter = "Y"; } elsif (($al1 eq "A" && $al2 eq "G")||($al1 eq "G" && $al2 eq "A")){ $letter = "R"; } elsif (($al1 eq "A" && $al2 eq "C")||($al1 eq "C" && $al2 eq "A")){ $letter = "M"; } elsif (($al1 eq "G" && $al2 eq "T")||($al1 eq "T" && $al2 eq "G")){ $letter = "K"; } else{ $letter = "unknown";} return $letter; } sub crack_code{ # used by sub find_snp_primers # reverse of find_code. Changes S into G/C etc. my($letter) = @_; my$alleles; if($letter eq "S"){ $alleles = "G/C"; }elsif($letter eq "W"){ $alleles = "A/T"; }elsif($letter eq "R"){ $alleles = "G/A"; }elsif($letter eq "Y"){ $alleles = "T/C"; }elsif($letter eq "K"){ $alleles = "G/T"; }elsif($letter eq "M"){ $alleles = "A/C"; } return $alleles; } sub find_variation{ # used by sub select_range # takes a list of GenBank 'features' and select the SNPs # skips the SNPs marked 'ambiguous' # parses out the positions, the alleles and the position # of the SNP my(@gbfeatures) = @_; my @allnumbers = (); foreach my $feature(@gbfeatures){ if($feature =~ /ambiguous/){next} if($feature =~ /variation\s*(\d+).*?(allele|replace)=\"(\w).*?(allele|replace)=\"(\w).*?(dbSNP\:\d+)\"/s){ push(@allnumbers, $1, $3, $5, $6); } } return @allnumbers; } ############################################################ # # # subroutines used for overlap primers # # # ############################################################ sub find_overlap_primers{ # called by main program # create primers in overlapping sets # generate primer3 input parsed data: # run primer3 with current parameters # until complete target is covered my($params_general) = shift @_; my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift @_; my($OVERLAP_SIZE_RANGE) = shift @_; my($TARGET) = shift @_; my($seq) = shift @_; my$nr = "1"; my($from, $size) = split /,/, $TARGET; my($prod_size_lo, $prod_size_hi) = split/-/, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE; my($overlap_lo, $overlap_hi) = split/-/, $OVERLAP_SIZE_RANGE; my$overlap = $overlap_hi - $overlap_lo; my@primers = (); my%results; my$outputseq = $seq; my$whole_target = $TARGET; # remove 3' sequence my$cutoff = $from + $size + $prod_size_hi; # keep track of end my$end = $from + $size; $seq = substr($seq, 0, $cutoff); # the target of the first product is the given target my($new_start) = ($TARGET =~ /(^\d*)/); # the length of the target is $prod_size_lo $TARGET=$new_start.','.$prod_size_lo; my$parameters_specific; my$right; my$onfo; my$k; my$targetseq; my$noprimers_seq; my@matched_seqs = (); my$startpos = "0"; my$endpos = "0"; my$orisize = length($seq); # design primers while target is still part of $seq while ($end>0){ print $q->p(" "); $parameters_specific = <no primers found for target $nr
", " "); substr($seq, 0, $prod_size_lo,""); $end -= $prod_size_lo; $TARGET=$overlap.','.$prod_size_lo; $nr++; next; } push (@primers, $results{PRIMER_LEFT_SEQUENCE}); $right = revcom($results{PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE}); (my$pos) = $results{PRIMER_LEFT} =~ /(\d+)\,/; $startpos = $orisize - length($seq) + $pos +1; $endpos = $results{PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE}; $endpos += $startpos - 1; push (@allout, "target $nr position in inputsequence: $startpos to $endpos"); push (@primers, $right); # send the primer info to the print subroutine $onfo = print_primers(%results); push (@allout,$onfo); # keep the matched seq (for later output) $targetseq = cutoff_product($seq, $results{PRIMER_LEFT}, $results{PRIMER_RIGHT}); push(@matched_seqs, $targetseq); # format the sequence that is covered (trim ends outside the product) my$printseq = format_sequence("overlap", \%results, "60", "blue", "black", "0", "0"); push (@allout, $printseq, " "); # cut off 5' end, keep track of $end ($new_start) = ($results{PRIMER_RIGHT} =~ /(^\d*)/); $new_start -= $overlap_hi; substr($seq, 0, $new_start,""); $end -= $new_start; $nr++; $TARGET=$overlap.','.$prod_size_lo; } # End of loop. Format inputsequence to show which part is covered # Color matched sequence in input and format $outputseq = format_covered_cdna(@matched_seqs, "60", $whole_target, $outputseq); push (@allout, "
","your result (TARGET IN UPPERCASE, covered regions are blue. Colored regions include primers!):", $outputseq); return @allout; } sub cutoff_product{ # used by sub find_overlap_primers # removes all sequence outside PCR product my($seq) = shift(@_); my($left) = shift(@_); my($right) = shift(@_); my($start_left, $length_left) = split (/\,/, $left); my($end_right, $length_right) = split (/\,/, $right); my $start_right = $end_right+1 - $length_right; $seq = substr($seq, 0, $end_right+1); substr($seq, 0, $start_left,""); return uc($seq); } sub clean_sequence{ # used by main program in overlap_primers loop # removes FASTA header line, spaces and numbers # from inpusequence my($q) = @_; my$seq=$q->param("SEQUENCE") || error($q, "please fill in sequence!"); if ($seq =~ />/){ $seq =~ s/^>.*//; } if ($seq =~ /\d/){ push (@allout, "Warning: numbers in input sequence were deleted!"); $seq =~ s/\d//g; } $seq =~ s/\s//g; return $seq; } ############################################################ # # # subroutines used for cDNA primers # # # ############################################################ sub find_cDNA_primers{ # called by main program # create primers around ORF for cDNA in each GenBank file # if the ORF is the same size as the cDNA # the PCR product is maximised. # generate primer3 input parsed data: # run primer3 with current parameters my($params_general) = shift @_; my($PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE) = shift @_; my($from) = shift @_; my($to) = shift @_; my($seq) = shift @_; my$dnasize = length($seq); my$penalty = "0.05"; my $size = $to+1 - $from; my($min, $max) = split /-/, $PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE; my$parameters_specific; my%results = (); if ($size > $max){ push (@allout, "ORF size $size is larger than maximum size ($max), use overlappcr or increase maximum product size!", "Target in blue."); $seq = upcase_DNA($seq, $from-1, $size); $seq = format_sequence("0", "0", "60", "0", "0", "0", $seq); push (@allout, $seq); return @allout; } elsif ($size == $dnasize){ push (@allout, "ORF is same size as cDNA, creating maximum product possible"); $parameters_specific = <